
Tomorrow is Dewey's 24hourreadathon!

So i won't go into detail how i didnt update this Blog for the longest time.. instead, i just want to celebrate being back and already totally excited for the next 24hourreadathon in.. tomorrow?! Goodness! I mean, i am kind of prepared already.. so here come my plans, hopes and ideas! 1. Schedule In an almost ridicculous tradition i am once again facing the fact that i cannot start the readathon in time.. as always, it starts at 2pm for me but I'll be at a seminar until 5pm.. the rest is still pretty much unplanned.. there is the idea of watching a spooky movie together with my boyfriend, fitting the overall spooky/ halloweeny topic. Too bad that the new Sabrina netflix series will come out a week later - it might have been a really good fit for the occasion.. ;) As also is my tradition, i will not try to force myself to stay awake but just read as long as it's fun, and i will also not wake myself up crazy early again.. it's about having  fun, isn't it? ;) ...

Dewey's 24-Hour-Readathon, Part II

Aaaand we're done! I can' believe the 24 hours are over already!.... but let's start from the beginning. After my post yesterday I finished my first book sitting on my windowsill in the evening sun. The weather was beautiful, the book heart wrenching - what more could a girl want?! ;) After that I took a short break with social media and reading critiques on the first book before I decided it was now time for a graphic novel, so I started the Jane Eyre graphic novel and finished it off taking a nice bath. I love the story of Jane Eyre; I didn't love the graphic novel so much. I am not too fond of the art style, and I did the mistake of buying the "Quick text" version instead of the "original text" version, so I missed a lot of iconic lines from the book. It was still lovely to dive back into the story, and thanks to the "quick text" it really was a quick read.. ;) After that I took a break from reading with some del...

Dewey's 24-Hour-Readathon, Part I

It really is happening! I am readathoning! :D We are already at the end of hour 3 now, and I am taking a short break from reading for this update on my readathon so far and the rest of my plans. so I had to go to a seminar from work today, which ended at 1PM, with the readathon starting for me at 2PM. I quickly bought my snacks, ate something and then got started with reading in order to really get into the mood! :) Yummy!!! :D I have now read a little over 200 pages from my first pick, and I love both the book and also the feeling of being in a readathon once again. I missed that feeling of having no other plans for the next 24 hours but reading, and making myself comfortable to be able to read more! :) Love the tea, love the snack, love the book! I did little to no preperations before (I didn't even make a real TBR pile) except for one thing: I prepared some bullet journaling pages in order to track my reading adventures. It's my first shot at anything in t...

It's April, it's Dewey's readathon time!

I cannot believe it is time again... yayyy! If you follow my blog you know that the last 24hourreadathon in October was quite a fail for me. I am not 100% sure yet how this one will turn out but I hope for the best! :) So, hard facts: the readathon will be  APRIL 28 starting at the same time all over the world and lasting 24 hours. you can check on the website when your starting time is. E.g., for me here in Germany, the readathon starts Saturday at 2pm. If you want to check it out, there is lots of activity on  the website, the twitter account, the facebook group and the goodreads group of the readathon. Come play along! My plans this time: Like last time, I would really love to actively participate in the readathon now that I have this blog. However, I am not 100% sure yet how my day will look like and whether it will be possible for me to post on the blog, or whether I'll just read and perhaps tweet about it. We'll see... Anyways, I will definitely read, and ther...

It's mid of April already?!

Turns out it is... Ah well. To quickly sum up my March:  I finished three books: - Persepolis (Marjane Satrapi) - The beginning of the world in the middle of the night (Jen Campbell) - Vincent (Brabara Stok) All of them I read on the weekend away and all three of them were heartbreaking and beautiful and heartbreakingly beautiful. I also started reading my TBR-game book of the month, the Children's book. This one's also a beauty, but not so easy to read and rather slow-paced. And it's really long. At some point I decided I would rather listen to this one on audiobook, and I was a little disheartened when I saw that audible split the audiobook in 4 download parts. I have one hour left in the first part, and seven in each of the other three... so, you could say I've read about a quarter! ;) Now, for April! :)  so I actually cheated myself with reading Vincent in March as this one is actually part of my TBR-game. I hadn't decided how to deal with that when...

February Wrap, March Madness

And another month in 2018 has started! Can you believe we're already in March?... so first wrapping up February. I read two books in February. Overall, I am reading a little less this year than I usually do, and the reason for that is actually two things: podcasts and Dr Who! :) I usually read on my commute or listen to audiobooks but in the last weeks I fell in love with several podcasts and listened to those instead. And when at home, I really enjoyed falling down the rabbit hole of the Dr Who universe (finally, some of my friends would say.. ;) ). Still, some reading happened. I successfully read my TBR-challenge-read! I finished "Die Pyramide". It was a nice, classic crime story, with a grumpy policeman and ivery unsuspicious suspects, and some nice side-action in Kairo at the pyramids. It was not life-changing, but a quick read. I also reread one of my favorite books ever, for approximately the 20th time. The book is "Understood Betsy", a coming-of-ag...

January Wrap-up and February Plans

January is over and I want to summarize my monthly reading. I didn't read a total lot this month - however, I read one really awesome book, and started several good ones. So not too bad. My first (and only) finished book this January was "Tash hearts Tolstoi" by Kathryn Ormsbee, and I loved it so much! :) It was sweet, and fun, and sad, and a really nice fly-through read! I especially recommend it to everyone who is into literature-based web-series (if you're an internet-book-person and aren't a fan yet, go and watch the Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Classic Alice and everything by Shipwrecked Comedy, and then come back!) I also started audiobooking The Night Circus, but it might not have been the smartest choice ever to go for the audiobook there - the story is confusing enough, missing random sentences and falling asleep while listening really doesn't help.. don't get me wrong, the audiobook is beautiful, it's read by Jim Dale!!!! only my attention...