Tomorrow is Dewey's 24hourreadathon!
So i won't go into detail how i didnt update this Blog for the longest time.. instead, i just want to celebrate being back and already totally excited for the next 24hourreadathon in.. tomorrow?! Goodness! I mean, i am kind of prepared already.. so here come my plans, hopes and ideas! 1. Schedule In an almost ridicculous tradition i am once again facing the fact that i cannot start the readathon in time.. as always, it starts at 2pm for me but I'll be at a seminar until 5pm.. the rest is still pretty much unplanned.. there is the idea of watching a spooky movie together with my boyfriend, fitting the overall spooky/ halloweeny topic. Too bad that the new Sabrina netflix series will come out a week later - it might have been a really good fit for the occasion.. ;) As also is my tradition, i will not try to force myself to stay awake but just read as long as it's fun, and i will also not wake myself up crazy early again.. it's about having fun, isn't it? ;) ...