It's April, it's Dewey's readathon time!

I cannot believe it is time again... yayyy!

If you follow my blog you know that the last 24hourreadathon in October was quite a fail for me. I am not 100% sure yet how this one will turn out but I hope for the best! :)

So, hard facts: the readathon will be APRIL 28 starting at the same time all over the world and lasting 24 hours. you can check on the website when your starting time is. E.g., for me here in Germany, the readathon starts Saturday at 2pm. If you want to check it out, there is lots of activity on the website, the twitter account, the facebook group and the goodreads group of the readathon. Come play along!

My plans this time: Like last time, I would really love to actively participate in the readathon now that I have this blog. However, I am not 100% sure yet how my day will look like and whether it will be possible for me to post on the blog, or whether I'll just read and perhaps tweet about it. We'll see... Anyways, I will definitely read, and there will be at least a sum up post afterwards!

The books: always a hard question. People have very different opinions on which kind of books work best. for myself, I have found out that very long books do not work for me. I need a little shorter and/or lighter material on order to have the feeling to "get something done". For the middle of the night, exciting middle grade books really worked for me in the past. Audiobooks are good when on the move or during the day; in the middle of the night they will most definitely put me to sleep.. also, as I read faster in my mother tongue than in English, I am thinking about choosing more German books.. all of this will not really help me get my pile of currently-reading books much smaller but, ah, well.

So, see you on the 28th with more booooooooks!



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