Once upon a time.. the reading quest ended!...

Ah well. It almost worked out to post a final update right after the end of the reading quest... coughcough...

The thing is, I loved the reading quest so much that I decided to let it go on, for myself at least :) My plan is to let it go on until Christmas, and try to finish both the knight and the mage.

130 experience points and 170 health points, so I finished on level 3. I completed the Bard Path and the side challenge "mini game". I've read some really beautiful books and some I liked just fine. I had a lot of fun following people's reading progress, both online and offline. 

I really had wanted to finish the knight's path as well, and so far I am really going on it! :) I have finished "The Raven Boys" for the first book of a series and "Never let me go" for a book with a verb in the title. For a book with a red cover, "Persepolis" is already waiting for me on my shelf; and the book with the weapon on the cover may either be "naked heat", or "The Princess Bride"..

So. The reading quest is over - long live the reading quest! :)


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